Natural running technique

Keys to natural and efficient running.

A correct running form helps you to run faster and with minimum stress on your body.


Proper Breathing While Running

Take slow, controlled, deep breaths with your belly, not with your chest. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.


Arm swinging while running

Keep your elbows bent to a 90 degree angle and swing your arms to favor forward propulsion. Keep your hands relaxed.


Optimal running cadence

Short and quick steps, 180 footstrikes per minute, stride low to the ground.


Head position in running

Keep your head straight, look ahead, do not stare at your feet.


Running hydration

Hydrate before, while and after running. Less than 60 minutes with water, more time with electrolyte drinks


How to land your feet when running

Your foot should land below your centre of gravity, landing softly on the ball of the foot


What to think about when running

Concentrate on your running form, be present in the moment.


Running nutrition


Correct Running Posture

Lean your body forwards slightly so that your centre of gravity is above or in front your hips.


Shoulders position in running

Your shoulders should be back and down, relaxed.


What to think about when running

Concentrate on your running form, be present in the moment.

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